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Guided Reading Strategies


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This section provides guided reading strategies. By facilitating guided reading in the classroom, teachers can help students identify the main ideas and important concepts within a lesson. Particularly in math, students must understand the relationships between multiple concepts, and identify how one idea relates to another. Guided reading strategies, such as the ones provided below, aid students in identifying and internalizing the main ideas and essential information from a lesson.

Guided reading strategies are particularly helpful in reaching students of multiple skill and achievement levels, as well.

The strategy below helps students take effective notes on a lesson. The chart can be used by students during a lesson to identify and detail key characteristics of the topics presented.

The sample is a chart organizing the different types of graphs. Students can fill in the boxes with the characteristics stated in each column (ex. shape, slope, number of solutions).

Types of Graphs Chart

The Types of Graphs Chart has been adapted for a tiered activity in the example below.

The level for ESOL provides the categories in Spanish and provides pictures of the graphs.

The average level provides an answer from each column demonstrating how the chart should be completed.

The chart for the gifted level is blank and requires students to provide their own characteristics for the types of graphs. Students must also provide example equations for each type of graph and show how to solve.

Tiered Activity for Types of Graphs Chart

Adapted from:

Math graphic organizer printouts - (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2009, from

Connection to GPS:

M8A4. Students will graph and analyze graphs of linear equations and inequalitites.

a. Interpret slope as a rate of change.

b. Determine the meaning of the slope and y-intercept in a given situation.

c. Graph equations of the form y = mx + b.

d. Graph equations of the form ax + by = c.



The second strategy is the method of Cornell Note-Taking. This strategy requires students to identify the main topics, or cues, of the lesson and then take concise notes. Teachers should also encourage that students generate questions pertaining to the notes. This strategy helps students develop summation skills by teaching them to identify the important aspects of the lesson and group topics into broad themes. The sample activity details a lesson on finding the volume of solid figures.

Cornell Note-Taking

Cornell Note-Taking Finding Volume

Adapted from:

Pauk, W. (2001). How to study in college.Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Connection to GPS:

M6M3. Students will determine the volume of fundamental solid figures (right rectangular prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones).

a. Determine the formula for finding the volume of fundamental solid figures.